《台灣映象》阿里山櫻花鐵道色 Cherry Blossoms on the Alishan Forest Railway

本週精選:阿里山櫻花鐵道色 Cherry Blossoms on the Alishan Forest Railway  #c471aa

本週精選:阿里山櫻花鐵道色 Cherry Blossoms on the Alishan Forest Railway #c471aa



【Cherry Blossoms on the Alishan Forest Railway|Alishan】

The mountain areas of Taiwan are seasonally changing wonders. Nowhere is this truer than among the tiered ranges of Alishan, a verdant land as steeped in natural beauty as it is rich in culture. Dawn lit cloud formations, cherry blossoms, and the Alishan Forest Railway, a World Heritage Site, are among the many attractions here. This area assumes an especially romantic note in spring, when the white and red petals of the Taiwan cherry and Yoshina cherry blooms drift down like a light rain along the tracks.

更多台灣映象請觀看交通部觀光局發行《Tourism 2020 Taiwan Kaleido》



《Tourism 2020 Taiwan Kaleido台灣映象》一書,蒐集台灣永續觀光最美的顏色,呈現台灣四季美麗遞嬗,多元精彩的文化風情,並將之幻映為3D立體全息影像,邀您一起領略台灣觀光的細膩色彩。

交通部觀光局以Tourism 2020永續觀光為核心概念,訂定每年推廣主題,從2017生態旅遊年、2018海灣旅遊年、2019小鎮漫遊年及2020脊梁山脈旅遊年,成功讓世界看見台灣的觀光新魅力!